Conférence AmCham le 20 novembre 2012


Invitation à une conférence en Anglais le 20 novembre 2012.

"Time to innovate with TRIZ: how to boost the innovation process of your company through a unique and very effective method?"

With : Denis Cavallucci, Professor at INSA

Simon Fuhlhaber, President at Time-to-Innovate

Pascal Sire, TRIZ expert and Deputy Secretary at ARISAL

(Association Régionale des Ingénieurs et Scientifiques d’Alsace)

Cliquez ici pour plus de détails (fichier pdf)

Document à retourner pour l'inscription (fichier word)


Info de dernière minute:

Dear Members and Friends of AmCham,

As a reminder our next conference on Tuesday November 20, will be dedicated to the Innovation Process, please note, in addition to the initial invitation (see below), the exceptional participation of M. Pierre HUSS from ALSTHOM TRANSPORT who has been experiencing the method described in the conference.

I hope to see you on Tuesday,

Best regards,


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